Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Isn’t it amazing to know that a chunk of people are actually rehearsing to fail? Who does that? I thought people would rehearse to succeed but there are people who by chance, choice or ignorance are rehearsing for the day of failure. I hope you are not part of such people.

You see, it is the life that we rehearse that we will live ultimately. We cannot rehearse for failure and end up succeeding. In every typical rehearsal, time is taken to ensure that the performance is crystal excellent. When we are rehearsing, we are taking time to perfect production, making sure that we produce something that is a cynosure of all eyes - something beautiful, top notch and zenith.
Imagine what it would be like if some people were to be working tirelessly and rehearsing excellently just to fail. That sounds impossible right? But that’s how many people are! We are actually doing things that we never know will lead us to the day of reckoning. My friends, it is horrifying to see people dance on the edge of shame. The way they live their life makes one begin to wonder if they had nine lives like the cat. The recklessness with which they engage life is second to none.

In a rehearsal the intent is to improve on what we do. Music rehearsals help to improve our music. Life rehearsals is meant to improve the chances of living a good life but when people rehearse to fail, it means they are planning to fail big time. It is called a resounding failure. Another thing rehearsals does is that it increases our learning rate, so we know how to do a thing better. Does it shock you again to know that some people are seriously learning the art of failure?

Life has moved away from mystery buckets, life is an open script now. When we see the way people live their lives, we can tell where they are heading to. Life is not entirely an art, it is equally a science. Course and effect is a valid explanation for a lot of happenstance that we see. We can make an intelligent guess about the future just by seeing the things that we engage in today.
The way a student approaches his/her books is a clue to whether he or she is going to be a 1st class material or not.
In fact, men will tell you that the way a lady approaches her relationship will determine if she is considered a wife material or not.
The way an audit trainee takes on his job will help us see if he is a partner material in the making.

What you are rehearsing for is what you will eventually become. Your destiny is a blockbuster movie. Will you be on hand to rehearse well enough to make the story inspire? Or are you rehearsing to fail big time? What you want to show in the movie is left to you. Take your life seriously, wake up from your slumber and move into the practice field for your destiny.

Dear friend, you cannot be rehearsing jokes for a comedy show and expect to become an estate developer. That in itself is a big joke!

Don't miss #DREAMZTIME with Paul Amusa on the following radio stations:
LAGOS: UnilagFM 103.1;Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:20am
IBADAN: Diamond FM 101.1; Mon-Fri, 7:50am
ILORIN: Betterbyfar FM 89.3; Tuesdays, Thur-Sun, 6:50am

Yours Sincerely
Paul Amusa