Tuesday, May 9, 2017


We have too much consummate desire for the future that we crave to have which is not a bad thing at all. But it becomes very unhealthy to success when that consummate desire gets to a point that we automatically stop living in the moment and we vacate to the future quarters. The very essence of existence is not in the future or the thoughts of the future alone; existence is embedded in the present. The reason why some grandfathers have no tale to tell their little wards is simply because they never enjoyed the process of their growing old. It can be very interesting and equally uninteresting to watch how time passes over our lives without us having the power to do anything about it.

My dear friend, another killer of today is gross attention for tomorrow. It kills your today and that same tomorrow. This is tantamount to focusing on hugely branched trees making a forest but ignoring the seeds that should be planted today. It can be likened to focusing on a score board by ignoring the game itself. When we ignore the process and focus on the end results too much we may end up having missed moments. Tomorrow is in the womb, yesterday is in the tomb and today is the life that you have got. As you are working hard today to secure tomorrow, it should always be at the back of your mind that tomorrow is just a possibility. So you cannot engage in the thoughts of tomorrow at the detriment of savoring the pleasant things of today. Enjoying life in the moment involves believing that today is your real life and the future hopes and dream is a visionary image because it is possible for the future to arrive and you have just been absent. You have got to understand that the future is a possibility. Today is the real future; it is the future you expected yesterday. It is good and best anyway to plan for tomorrow. But live each day very well per time! It is what you do today that determines everything. So take a break from the rat race and enjoy the moment. Let me share a few things with you that you have got to do to enjoy the moment while you eye the future.

1.      - Save and invest for the future, but keep some for now. Don’t breakdown before breakthrough. Enjoy now, stop saving everything for tomorrow, you must have some little to do with.

2.      - Take time to explore your immediate affordable now because it will come a time where you will be bigger than those things. I heard a story of an actress who said one of the biggest things she misses about being an ordinary day to day person is that she now unable to go to the roadside to get “boli” from the woman who sells roasted plantain.

3.      - Attend to your health wisely now and do not expend your body and health unnecessarily because when the future arrives nature may have come calling. You do not want to arrive in the future a sick and unhealthy man!

Take a moment to enjoy the present. Remember today is the future you hoped for yesterday. Why not make the best of today. In doing that, enjoy the moment because your best days are always ahead of you but remember that your best moment is the one you are in now. Enjoy it!

Don't miss #DREAMZTIME with Paul Amusa on the following radio stations:
LAGOS: UnilagFM 103.1;Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:20am
IBADAN: Diamond FM 101.1; Mon-Fri, 7:50am
ILORIN: Betterbyfar FM 89.3; Tuesdays, Thur-Sun, 6:50am

Yours Sincerely
Paul Amusa