Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Hope is a vital ingredient for success. You may not be able to travel far in life until you learn to switch hope gears. There may be times when depression may want to set in, but until you know how to switch the gears of hope that is when you will be able to fine tune your life for acceleration again. Bear in mind that after all is said and done in life, things may still not go your way. There is this propensity that unavoidable challenges may just show up. This is because everything in life involves a measure of risk. There is no plan that takes care of everything – no matter how well strategic it is. Your plans cannot guarantee 100% result, your plans have to interplay with some other things for it to work out and they are the things you cannot control; these are the things that engender some form of risk.
Therefore, if there are certain things in life that i cannot control, I should expect somehow that something may go wrong. That is why in science there’s a cliché called “ceteris paribus” meaning ‘all things being equal’-  it is expected that this model will work only if all the conditions and requirements has been put together, hoping that there will be no external interplay of something else.

Hence, one of the key factors of hopelessness is the continual worry over things we cannot control. You’ve got to understand that in life there are certain things that we cannot control. Here are a few reasons why certain things are beyond our control:

 WE ARE HUMANS, WE ARE NOT GOD – The primary reason why we do not have capabilities reaching everything is because we don’t have our eyes on everything. We have the ability to miss out on some things. We are but humans! The farmer will still have to depend on good weather condition in a likely off season for pest infestation to expect a bountiful harvest. Even after he has gotten the best of seeds, he still needs to expect that everything works out well. Men will become God the moment we have control over everything. We are simply not wired to control everything. Therefore, worry begins to set in. It can be synonymous to a goat reporting to everyone in town how he cannot swim like the fish - It is a waste of time. The reason why certain things are beyond our reach is because we are not God, we are humans. The creator has set clear limitations for us and we have to respect that.
One key reason why people become hopeless is because they have not identified the part of their lives that they can control and things that are out of their control

 MAN IS DANGEROUS – Mankind has proven in over 30 centuries that we cannot be trusted with too much. It is unhealthy for everything to be within human control. Just imagine if Adolf Hitler, the all time deadliest terrorist could control everything within his reach. Maybe the death toll of over 25 million people he killed would have risen to billions. Imagine if Idi Amin Dada had the power to control everything, this tyrant leader and military dictator would have consumed the whole of Africa not only Uganda.

Thank God man cannot control everything – this is nature’s way of ensuring there are checks and balances in the affairs of mankind. Emmanuel  Kant says “absolute power corrupts absolutely”

Don't miss #DREAMZTIME with Paul Amusa on the following radio stations:
LAGOS: UnilagFM 103.1;Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:20am
IBADAN: Diamond FM 101.1; Mon-Fri, 7:50am
ILORIN: Betterbyfar FM 89.3; Tuesdays, Thur-Sun, 6:50am
Lives are being changed already, when will you join them?