Tuesday, July 25, 2017


When a man reads voraciously, we can tell that he will become an expert in that subject. So indeed, you have got to understand that the things we bury ourselves in daily is what eventually determines what we will end up becoming.

Another category of people who will undoubtedly fail in life except they do something about it are poor planners. Gentlemen, you have got to understand that the old saying; “people do not plan to fail, but fail to plan” is still very relevant in this age and time. What this saying means is this, whatever we fail to plan for, we have already began laying the templates for its failure. We do not plan to fail, we only fail to plan. So when we live our lives without a plan, we are like a man dancing naked in the rain, he is on the edge of shame. While a plan may not guarantee success, lack of a plan will guarantee failure.

Buildings have plans, there is a structural plan, you will hear of a survey plan, you will even hear of government having master plan, there is even a career called town planning. Everything in life that will eventually last must be suspended on a plan. Why is it that you are the only one who seems not to have a serious life plan?

A future that is not planned cannot be arrived in. Poor planners take their lives most unserious and as such who should actually take them serious? A life without a plan is a disaster waiting to happen. Even God himself has a plan for the world, so there is visible order in the things that you see - the universe. There is a plan for everything. 
The only evidence that you are serious about anything is a written plan because it is a commitment to that thing. What exactly are you planning to do to make things improve? Do you have a financial and investment plan? Do you have a health plan? So if you do not have a plan and all you do is wake up and live the day the way it comes, the future will arrive like a turbulent tornado and you may not like what it will bring to you. 

Why is it essential to have a plan? 

Hello sir, a plan will make you identify and manage risks effectively. It is only a plan that helps your life to build a robust system that helps to see what is material and what isn't material and helps to make critical decisions going forward. So whenever there are risks that are about to accumulate, plans will help you to respond effectively to risks in your life. There must be a working plan for scenario analysis in your life. You have got to know what is changing, or is likely to change or what is not going to change. You must also know what poses as a threat to you. A plan is a system that makes life auto regulate itself. Life auto regulates for a man who's got a plan.

A man without a plan will look for someone who has one for him and he will operate with that man's plan. So whether you like it or not, you must live life with a plan.  If you do not have a plan; I’m sorry to announce to you that somehow you will live the plan of other people for your life, because 7.4billion people on this planet somehow will hand you a plan. They want you to help them do something, or join them in doing something - either for good or for bad. Somebody will just influence you somehow. 

My friend, it is important that you have a plan for your own life. Live your life intentionally

Don't miss #DREAMZTIME with Paul Amusa on the following radio stations:
LAGOS: UnilagFM 103.1;Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:20am
IBADAN: Diamond FM 101.1; Mon-Fri, 7:50am
ILORIN: Betterbyfar FM 89.3; Tuesdays, Thur-Sun, 6:50am

Yours Sincerely
Paul Amusa

Thursday, July 20, 2017


Have you heard of people who are rehearsing for failure? Because from their rehearsals we can tell that they may likely fail. That’s the way the routines of some people are. The things that they do clearly shows that they are heading for disaster o’ clock. 

Another category of people who are undoubtedly going to be failing in no time except they do something about it are unchallenged people. You see, the world is full of unmotivated people; people who are fine with every status quo. Such people don’t believe in “no condition is permanent.” The worst set of people to be around definitely are those who care about nothing at all. Unchallenged people are onlookers. They are looking at everything; they don’t respond, they don’t participate, they don’t even react, they are just looking - Passive mediocres! They are people who should never be hung around. 

Unchallenged people lack quality passion that produces unprecedented results. They are people who have resigned to fate, they have submitted to unholy destiny believing they are not just the fortunate kind of people. Haven’t you met people who rather than take responsibility for being unchallenged, they quickly zero in and say that ‘they do not have a destiny and they were fitted for that purpose.’ They blame everything on destiny. They just agree that they were not fortunate and as such the benefits of life were not meant for people like them. 

Unchallenged people settle for average, they like what they presently have and enjoy but they do not aspire for better opportunities. They don’t believe that there is anything like a maximum life, or a progressive report, or that there is always a challenge and there is somebody who can trigger something in us so that we can do more. Haven’t you come across people who great stories do not interest? Check yourself, if you are beginning to notice that you really do not bother about your life and the direction it is moving, then it is a source of worry. When your friends come with a success story and you are not asking questions about how you can intelligently know the process and respond by doing the things that they did, but all you are asking for is a celebration (washing of a new car and drinking beer at their house warming party!) 
Hello there, I am not saying that you should be envious or that you shouldn’t celebrate people’s success. I’m saying if that is all you do and you are not in any way inspired to want to do more, then you are an unchallenged person. You were born to be celebrated also.

If you are going to ever taste greatness and if you are ever going to find your name on the hall of fame of great people, then you must learn to be challenged. When you are challenged your perspectives about things will change. Rather than focus on stupid things, you will ask the right questions. Challenge makes people buckle up and innovate. If everybody were to be unchallenged, then the world would probably be a millennium behind today. Life evolves because people are challenged; there is the hunger to surpass innovations and inventions. The economy rocks and rolls because there is a challenge going on there. In fact, one of the roles of government anywhere is to encourage healthy challenge and competition and discourage monopoly. So what makes life revolve and continue to make sense and become better is the fact that people choose to be challenged!

If you do something, we will do better. Not necessarily because we are dangerous rivals but because variety is the spice of life so we must learn the language of challenge. If you have anyone around your life who is not challenged, then they are rehearsing for disaster o’ clock because a time will come when the fruits of all their rehearsals will come upon them!

Don't miss #DREAMZTIME with Paul Amusa on the following radio stations:
LAGOS: UnilagFM 103.1;Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:20am
IBADAN: Diamond FM 101.1; Mon-Fri, 7:50am
ILORIN: Betterbyfar FM 89.3; Tuesdays, Thur-Sun, 6:50am

Yours Sincerely
Paul Amusa

Thursday, July 13, 2017


Another category of people who are likely to fail in life are unprepared people. If they do not change something very fast they may just end up failing in life. The room of success is available to everybody but not all can access it because that room has a lock and you need a key. The tree around us that has very beautiful fruits on it, as inviting as it is we still need to climb the tree to pluck the fruit, or better still you bring down the fruit by throwing a stick. So that tells me that the fact that something is available may not mean that it is accessible. Success is available to every class of people, every race, every color, every tribe, every nation but it is not accessible to all these diverse set of people. The reason is simple, the kind of routines people have are different. If you do not have the exact key that is configured for success you will not be able to have access to it.

And so, a good example of people who do not have the key to success door are unprepared people. They are rehearsing to fail. The degree of our preparedness in life determines the height of our achievements. What we are not prepared for can kill us. Most of the disasters that have taken massive lives in the world were simply because the government were not prepared about it. They never knew, it came unannounced! The tsunami swept over three hundred thousand people away in Indonesia and a certain part of Asia and the alarming part of that tragedy was because it was a thunderstorm that came unannounced. The people were not prepared so whatever we are not prepared for in life can kill us. The sad news is that many love to learn through regret. Why not learn by information? It is cheaper to learn through information than to bite your fingers later in life when you should be biting sausages. So a lot of people through their actions have chosen the path of regret.

Life is a challenge and whoever desires to triumph must be prepared for it. Preparing ahead of something is the greatest form of response to that thing. Preparation means building up strategies and defense towards an occurrence. The things that easily shatter other people are most definitely things that catch them by surprise. Being prepared for surprises is indicative of a mental proactive culture. Usually people become disappointed when surprises pop up but are you kidding me? We should be prepared for certain surprises. Succeeding in life will take a lot of determination and preparation. Don’t forget, success is a journey! We all need to learn how to pack bags, we must learn how to book a ticket, we must learn how to plan the travel and to engage a tour guide because success is a journey and you have got to prepare. Preparation is the most important thing regarding any form of trip. How best you prepared is what determines the success of that trip. Abraham Lincoln says, “I will rather prepare for a 24hour assignment for 23hours because it will take me less than an hour to accomplish it if I was better prepared.” The reason why life is hectic is because people are not prepared for what they are going through.

Another category of people who are likely to end up in shame if they do not do something very fast are unfocused people. Do not forget that success is a value phenomenon and whatever has a value has a price attached to it, meaning that not everybody can pay that price. There are cars that you know that this is beyond your budget and there are cars that are only on order and there are also cars that are available to you. There is always a price attached to success, the reason why everybody is not succeeding is because not everybody can pay the huge price and one of those prices is focus so when you find an unfocused friend around you, you’d better begin to rethink that relationship because they are simply looking for companies so they can do the dance with you.

The reason why stories have not changed is because our focus have not changed. If you paid attention, the reason why your goals from year to year has always been revised edition of the same goals that you had the previous year and you haven’t had any significant achievement is simply because your focus is yet to change. If your focus changes, you will begin to have significant accomplishments. 
Focus is the activation of human momentum and the energy towards achieving ones desire. The woman called Mary Engelbreit said if you don’t like something, change it but if you cannot change that thing, change the way you think about it. When people’s focus change, goals automatically change. The reason why men fail is because of unbroken focus. In the real sense, no man is caught unfocused because everybody somehow has something they are focusing on. So the issue is this, what exactly are you focusing on? What gets your attention? Therefore, distraction is not the lack of focus, it is the attraction in opposite direction.
It takes focus and a lot of it to be a successful man! When people lack focus, their minds and desire will change too often even when it is absolutely unnecessary. You can hardly tell what exactly such people want as everything will interest them.
Unfocused people ask for anything and in the school of success, anything is equal to nothing. Stay focused! 

Don't miss #DREAMZTIME with Paul Amusa on the following radio stations:
LAGOS: UnilagFM 103.1;Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:20am
IBADAN: Diamond FM 101.1; Mon-Fri, 7:50am
ILORIN: Betterbyfar FM 89.3; Tuesdays, Thur-Sun, 6:50am

Yours Sincerely
Paul Amusa