Tuesday, May 9, 2017


We have too much consummate desire for the future that we crave to have which is not a bad thing at all. But it becomes very unhealthy to success when that consummate desire gets to a point that we automatically stop living in the moment and we vacate to the future quarters. The very essence of existence is not in the future or the thoughts of the future alone; existence is embedded in the present. The reason why some grandfathers have no tale to tell their little wards is simply because they never enjoyed the process of their growing old. It can be very interesting and equally uninteresting to watch how time passes over our lives without us having the power to do anything about it.

My dear friend, another killer of today is gross attention for tomorrow. It kills your today and that same tomorrow. This is tantamount to focusing on hugely branched trees making a forest but ignoring the seeds that should be planted today. It can be likened to focusing on a score board by ignoring the game itself. When we ignore the process and focus on the end results too much we may end up having missed moments. Tomorrow is in the womb, yesterday is in the tomb and today is the life that you have got. As you are working hard today to secure tomorrow, it should always be at the back of your mind that tomorrow is just a possibility. So you cannot engage in the thoughts of tomorrow at the detriment of savoring the pleasant things of today. Enjoying life in the moment involves believing that today is your real life and the future hopes and dream is a visionary image because it is possible for the future to arrive and you have just been absent. You have got to understand that the future is a possibility. Today is the real future; it is the future you expected yesterday. It is good and best anyway to plan for tomorrow. But live each day very well per time! It is what you do today that determines everything. So take a break from the rat race and enjoy the moment. Let me share a few things with you that you have got to do to enjoy the moment while you eye the future.

1.      - Save and invest for the future, but keep some for now. Don’t breakdown before breakthrough. Enjoy now, stop saving everything for tomorrow, you must have some little to do with.

2.      - Take time to explore your immediate affordable now because it will come a time where you will be bigger than those things. I heard a story of an actress who said one of the biggest things she misses about being an ordinary day to day person is that she now unable to go to the roadside to get “boli” from the woman who sells roasted plantain.

3.      - Attend to your health wisely now and do not expend your body and health unnecessarily because when the future arrives nature may have come calling. You do not want to arrive in the future a sick and unhealthy man!

Take a moment to enjoy the present. Remember today is the future you hoped for yesterday. Why not make the best of today. In doing that, enjoy the moment because your best days are always ahead of you but remember that your best moment is the one you are in now. Enjoy it!

Don't miss #DREAMZTIME with Paul Amusa on the following radio stations:
LAGOS: UnilagFM 103.1;Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:20am
IBADAN: Diamond FM 101.1; Mon-Fri, 7:50am
ILORIN: Betterbyfar FM 89.3; Tuesdays, Thur-Sun, 6:50am

Yours Sincerely
Paul Amusa

Thursday, May 4, 2017


For us to be able to scratch the surfaces of love, we have got to understand the depths of wickedness. We may not appreciate the heart of mother Teresa until we get to discover the mind of Adolf Hitler. Until we learn to love and give we haven’t truly lived. The problem of the world today is that we have grown so selfish and uncaring, we have an insignia on our forehead which says “deal with your problems, it is not my headache.” We have forgotten the old wisdom that reads “someone’s problem is everybody’s headache.” A shared burden becomes lighter. What we all refuse to stand for, we will collectively fall for

Sometimes in life, it is not what we do that matters; it is what we refuse to do. So it may not be about what we choose to say sometimes, it will be about what we choose not to say. One of the hard regrets of life is to look back and realize we could have done much more than we did because we have been told to live for ourselves alone and just ignore other people. A lot of times, we miss out on our angels and we become allies with demons. So just by simply epitomizing love, you have no idea how much you have helped yourself too. When you live and love you are also doing yourself a great favor. So just a single act of kindness may not just bring a smile to someone’s face or feed them or even give them assurances about the future, it may also be a life saver for you because every good turn deserves another. Every good act will always get a reward in life.

A man was said to have jumped into a river from the top of a bridge somewhere in the United States. I guess he was done with life and he planned on taking it. He was tired of life for reasons that are unclear. Immediately after jumping from that height trying to get himself drowned, it was reported that some passerby saw him and jumped into the river after him to save his life. Only for him to realize that he could not swim! The so called helper jumped into the river before realizing he did not know how to swim. As the so called helper was drowning, the man attempting suicide had to go over and save his life. Can you imagine how someone who needed help eventually became helper? He thought he was done with life. 

Here’s the thing, the so called helper was too consumed with helping people such that he jumped into the river without realizing that he could not swim. What a great guy he was!
Dear friends, create an experience for someone today. Make a call, inspire someone today, and choose to be a helper. You have the capacity to create change in the lives of people. Live and love!

Don't miss #DREAMZTIME with Paul Amusa on the following radio stations:
LAGOS: UnilagFM 103.1;Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:20am
IBADAN: Diamond FM 101.1; Mon-Fri, 7:50am
ILORIN: Betterbyfar FM 89.3; Tuesdays, Thur-Sun, 6:50am

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


For everyone there will be a time when you will have critical challenges determining whether you want to go back to where you left or whether you want to hold on to your dreams. That season is called the season in between.

My friends, between what you are aspiring for and where you are right now there is a season in between. It is usually not a pleasurable moment in people’s life. It is characterized with fear of the unknown, fear of the unseen. Nothing really unsettles a man like a future that is unknown despite giving it all. You are investing everything, giving all your best, you are disciplined, consistent, committed yet there is little or no result for it. Nothing can be so pathetic like having to watch a loved one suffer an ailment that no one is sure he or she can survive yet you have spent all, prayed all along the while, you have hoped and supported, done absolutely everything known to you but you are not sure he or she can make it. You could also have a season in between in your relationship or marriage. You have given all that is to be given but your husband’s head seems to be going in another direction, he has turned to the worst pain in your chest. Well, yes it may just be your season in between.
No matter what your own season is, the first survival trick in the season-in-between is to believe. Your belief is not belief if there are no obstacles.  Belief has failed when there are no obstacles. True belief is known when it is against all odds. Nobody is interested with how long you have been disappointed, they want to know if you still have something else in you that make you believe.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, America’s 20th century acclaimed wisest man said “nobody has achieved anything tangible outside believing”. The problem with a lot of people is that they treat their faith as optional. Some of you have lost hope simply because you haven’t been told that it is easier to believe than not to believe. The cost of not believing is far higher than the cost of believing. What comfort or pleasure will it give you if you choose to throw in the towel? If you honestly ask yourself this question you will realize that it pays to believe. It is going to be tough but you just have to believe. Yes, you have believed for years and nothing has changed, why now? When the battle gets fiercest, somebody is about to run out of ammunitions. When the challenge gets bad, you have to understand that a party in the battle is contemplating giving in and if I am going to be sincere with you, that person should not be you. So every time you are going through a tough season, you must remember that a party in this challenge is about to give in and so it’s either you choose to give in or your situation bows to you, so you have got to develop the courage to start again.
You are near breakthrough than breakdown; you are much closer than you can think. Hold on a little longer, believe with all your heart. Trust a little longer. You have given up on love, love one more time.
Remember, the first survival trick is to believe one more time. Nothing shall be impossible to them who believe!

Don't miss #DREAMZTIME with Paul Amusa on the following radio stations:
LAGOS: UnilagFM 103.1;Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:20am
IBADAN: Diamond FM 101.1; Mon-Fri, 7:50am
ILORIN: Betterbyfar FM 89.3; Tuesdays, Thur-Sun, 6:50am